Hi there!
I’m Kirsten,

It would be an understatement to say I’m passionate about art, design, and all things fantasy.
Ever since I was little I’ve loved art and creating things. Growing up I was always drawing animals, dragons, creating characters and writing fantasy stories with my friends and family. I’ve always loved animals, color, fantasy books, and movies, so fantasy worlds and creatures have always been a huge source of inspiration for my work.

I've been a freelance 2D illustrator for the past 10 years, specializing in fantasy and animal illustration. I found a passion for 3D modeling and printing when I decided I wanted to create articulated models of my webcomic characters. My husband has been doing 3D printing and designing for the past 8 years and helped me learn how to get started in designing and printing for myself.

Once I got started designing and building I couldn't stop! I love making new designs and creatures and there's nothing more satisfying to me than holding my finished design in my hands! I love getting to share my creations and see them bring joy to others as well!

If you like my designs and would like early access to designs, commercial selling license, and voting input on what new designs I put out, check out my Patreon!

At my shop you can buy 3D printing STL files of my 3D models, or art prints and other products of my colorful animal series to add some color to your world!

Kirsten McKenzie